Introduktion till familjen Malmevik

Uppdaterad: 16 maj 2005, Lars Malmevik

This is the story of the family name Malmevik:

The summer 1943 Karl-Erik had finished sergeant school. He received a mission to take care of about 200-300 young horses. He was stationed on a farm named Stångesäter. To perform the task he had the help of 2 privates. At this time he read an advertisment in a newspaper that was about apply for a family name. Karl-Erik did this and received a list of names to choose from. Among theese names was Malmevik. After the agreement of parents and siblings Karl-Erik applied for the name Malmevik as the first choice of three. The 22 of October 1943 the swedish department of Justice decided that our family would be allowed to be named Malmevik. The cost for this was 20 swedish Kronas. The main reason to choose the name Malmevik was that Axel, Karl-Eriks father, was living on the farm Höga in Malma parish.
An other part of the history is that Karl-Erik and his siblings was called Johansson after their great grandfather Johannes Johansson in "small school". In "folk school" they were called Axelsson after their father but in the registers of the church they were named Alfredsson after their granddad Alfred Johansson

There are plans to create and publish a database with data about the people of the Malmevik family.


The Malmevik Family
In English

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